Our goal is simple - we want to help people like yourself moving better, feeling better and achieving a healthy and pain-free lifestyle through our cutting edge IASTM & Kinesiology Tape products. We empower practitioners and give them the tools they require through world class continuing education and cutting edge performance and treatment products. Join the IASTM revolution with M2T-Blade today
Edges are perfected and made with you in our mind.
Our goal is simple - we want to help people like yourself moving better, feeling better and achieving a healthy and pain-free lifestyle through our cutting edge IASTM & Kinesiology Tape products. We empower practitioners and give them the tools they require through world class continuing education and cutting edge performance and treatment products. Join the IASTM revolution with M2T-Blade Blade today
The M2T-Blade is the Original {Circa 2010} and Leading IASTM Product for Health and Fitness Professionals. We are the ONLY company that allows our practitioners to customize their tool. How cool is that?
With the M2T-Blade, it is easy to use and control while the client is comfortable. Have full control over you treatments
Have your logo, tag line or website engraved on the Blade to show off your clinic
The Blade has 8 Treatment points and edges specifically cut at 35' and 55' to reach any and all body parts with one tool!
Learn About IASTM, Movement, and Fitness from our experts