Does IASTM Actually work to prevent and treat soft tissue injuries

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, or more commonly known as IASTM, is the use of tools to assess tissue quality and to treat areas identified to have scar tissue, soft tissue restrictions, chronic inflammation or degeneration.

Common diagnosis treated utilizing IASTM include plantar fasicitis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel, and IT Band syndrome. IASTM is said to be the modern evolution from Traditional Chinese Medicine called Gua Sha, however Gua Sha was not used to treat muscle, tendon or soft tissue conditions, as it was traditionally used to remove bad energy  through the skin

M2T-Blade is a leading IASTM instrument. With 8 treatment points and double-beveled edge, it is an all-in-one instrument. 

When soft tissue is not stretched enough (or sufficiently), or after an injury, it can become sticky and adhere to the surrounding muscles causing pain and soreness while also restricting movement and flexibility. Various massage treatment techniques help break up the tissue to promote proper regeneration and repair, but for cases of chronic scar tissue and adhesions using the M2T-Blade tool can help get effective results easier and save the therapist’s hands some excessive work. Using a tool focuses the force through a precise area, making the technique more specific than your finger and with less friction.

Combined with corrective mobility exercises and stretches to help strengthen the tissue that is being worked on, M2T is an effective tool for massage therapists to add to their arsenal and can benefit many clients.


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