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Many Common Orthopedic Surgical Procedures Are No More Effective Than Non-Surgical - Such as IASTM?


"Many Common Orthopedic Surgical Procedures Are No More Effective Than Nonsurgical Care. Among 10 common procedures, only carpal tunnel release and total knee replacement were supported by randomized trials. Orthopedic surgeries are common, costly, and potentially risky."

Ashley W. Blom, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, and colleagues conducted a literature review to compare the clinical effectiveness of the 10 most common elective orthopedic procedures (arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, arthroscopic meniscal repair of the knee, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy of the knee, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, arthroscopic subacromial decompression, carpal tunnel decompression, lumbar spine decompression, lumbar spine fusion, total hip replacement, and total knee replacement) versus no treatment, placebo, or nonoperative care.

The researchers found that randomized controlled trial evidence supports the superiority of carpal tunnel decompression and total knee replacement over nonoperative care. There were no randomized controlled trials identified that specifically compared total hip replacement or meniscal repair to nonoperative care. For the other six procedures, evidence showed no benefit over nonoperative care.

So what can be beneficial compared to common surgery?

Some experimental studies and case reports have reported that IASTM can significantly improve soft tissue function and range of motion following sports injury, while also reducing pain. Based on the previous studies, it is thought that IASTM can help shorten the rehabilitation period and time to return to sports among athletes and ordinary people who have suffered sports injuries. However, few experimental studies of the mechanisms and effects of IASTM have examined, while case reports have accounted for the majority of articles. In the future, the scientific basis of IASTM and its reliability should be provided through well-designed experimental studies on humans. Moreover, IASTM studies that have mostly focused on tendons need to broaden their scope toward other soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments.

Is M2T-Blade backed by scientific research?

Yes! - Here are a few of our published articles ---> 

1) https://www.ijmrhs.com/medical-research/comparative-study-between-the-effect-of-myofascial-release-using-m2t-blade-and-kinesiotape-on-recreational-badminton-sho.pdf

2) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333574111_Comparative_effect_of_foam_roller_and_M_2_T_blade_on_hamstring_flexibility_in_elderly_population_A_randomized_control_trial

3) https://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/2018/vol4issue1/PartE/4-1-52-268.pdf

4) http://jmscr.igmpublication.org/home/index.php/current-issue/1145-immediate-effects-of-m2t-blade-on-pain-and-range-of-motion-inrecreational-badminton-shoulder-pain-subjects-a-pilot-study

5) https://cdu.herdin.ph/index.php/component/herdin/?view=research&cid=68980



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